Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week #14 - steady progress

We have made it to week #14 - seems like just yesterday that we started up WMBL. Sorry I was not able to be there for the weigh-in, but thanks to Sarah for taking care of that for me! FYI, i am on vacation this week, so Sarah will be weighing you in again.

This week, Kevin Rhodes, Joe Contaoi, and Mike Harrison were gone. All data for them is from their most recent weigh-in. Our four top contenders moved around a bit, like they usually do, with the following order at the close of week #14: John, Lisa, Stacey, then Randy. For the teams, Yellow is still on top with Gold, Purple, and White all about 0.5% behind. We lost 25.6 pounds this week, for a total of 380.3 since we started.

Congrats to Angela and Deanna on running the Carlsbad 5k on the Saturday before this week's weigh-in! Angela beat her time from last year by over a minute and came in just a few seconds faster than Stacey ran her race last week. This was Deanna's very first race and she finished a few minutes after Angela and looked strong at the end - you'd never know she broke her foot almost a year ago! Here are the stats!

John H - 17.58%
Lisa - 16.12%
Stacey - 16.06%
Randy - 15.71%
Angie - 12.05%
Donald - 10.96%
Melanie - 10.03%
Joe - 9.92%
Kevin J - 7.52%
Michael R - 7.34%
Jeff - 6.33%
Kevin R - 6.24%
Jim - 5.41%
Ben - 5.03%
Becky - 4.39%
Deanna - 4.21%
Matt - 3.69%
John F - 2.66%
Amy - 2.51%
Mike H - 2.11%
Angela - 1.95%
Mirtha - 1.56%
Kaniz - 1.26%
Karen - 1.06%

Yellow - 11.08%
Gold - 10.49%
Purple - 10.37%
White - 10.26%
Pink - 7.98%
Orange - 6.95%
Blue - 6.66%
Red - 5.85%
Black - 5.16%
Green - 4.00%
Silver-Blue - 3.61%
Brown - 1.41%

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